Create a copy of an entire class, or questions or emails from another class?

There are various situations where we would like to instantly create a copy of a class, or copy the questions or emails for a particular assessment in some class.  Here are some scenarios:

  1. You alone, or as part of a group of instructors, are teaching 2 or more coordinated sections of a popular course this term.
  2. This term you are teaching a class similar to how you taught it last year.
  3. A colleague described how they customized their questions in the second assessment of a class, and you would like to borrow their wording.
  4. Our college wants all classes using teamwork to conduct–every term–a final extra assessment using specific questions to measure teamwork quality and improvement over time for its accreditation.
  5. In your class, you want students to answer the same questions in the 1st assessment and last assessments, but questions in other assessments will differ.

PA has features to simplify all these scenarios.  Some involve reusing all of the assessments for an entire course; others reuse the customized questions and or emails from one specific class’ assessment.  We’ll call these Course Copy, Question Copy and Email Copy.

In fact, we are only copying the assessment setup parameters–the configuration.  Each class has different students and teams, different dates, and of course different responses, so none of that is copied.  This configuration includes the assessment’s questions and emails (plus any custom changes made), as well as the type of report distribution and special instructions.

Course Copy is located on the Class page because it copies the setups for ALL assessments from some other class.  Question Copy and Email Copy features are found in their respective sections of PA.

Course Copy: (All assessments)  >>Scenario 1 & 2

  1. Open the new class that will receive the assessments.
  2. On Class page, click “Course Copy–All Assessments” .
  3. Select the course number, year/term and section of the class to copy from.
  4. Press “Copy and Save Class”

Copy Only Questions or Emails from a different class  >>Scenario 3 & 4

  1. Open your new class, and the assessment that will receive the copy.
  2. Click on Manage Questions or Manage Emails, as needed.
  3. Toward the top of the page it says Automate Question Setup or Automate Email Setup.  Click on “From a different class”.
  4. Select the course number, year/term, section and assessment of the class to copy from.
  5. Press “Copy and Save Class”

Copy Questions or Emails from the same class  >>Scenario 5

Follow the steps for “Different Class”.  However, in step 3 click on “From this class (earlier assessment)”. Then in step 4, select only Assessment in this class that you wish to copy from.

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